Terms and Condition

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With the consent of the User we may collect the following Personal Information shared by you on our Website

  • Name, Date of birth, gender, occupation
  • Contact details including phone number, address and email address.
  • Demographic information such as postcode, preferences, and interests
  • Payment Information including credit/ debit card details etc. and other payment information (account number, account type, bank names etc.) may be collected by the associated payment gateways. Such information shall be used solely for processing your transactions.
  •  Vehicle details including model, year, colour and registration and selling details, warranty details, dealer name and year of purchase.
  • In case a user account is created by you on our Website, account information including name, username, password, email address, mobile number and answers to security question are collected.


Your browser software includes a feature called "cookies." We may use "cookies" to enhance your experience with our site. If enabled, cookies may store small amounts of data on your computer about your visit to the Website, including your page preferences.

Cookies tell us nothing about you personally, unless you specifically give us additional information. we does not merge or associate our cookie information with any personally identifiable information obtained by us or from third parties. Cookies simply assist us in tracking which of our features you like best and what content you may have viewed during past visits. When you re-visit the Website, cookies can enable us to customize our content according to your preferences.

We may use cookies to:

(i) keep count of your return visits to the Website

(ii) accumulate anonymous, aggregate, statistical information on Website usage;

(iii) deliver content specific to your interests or past viewing history; and

(iv) save your password so you don't have to re-enter it each time you visit our sites. You can also disable cookies. By modifying your browser preferences, you can accept or reject all cookies, or request a notification when a cookie is set.

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